Our body modification expert Sandra offers a range of facial piercings, such as the eyebrow, bridge of the nose, septum and nostril.

These piercings can be a great way to accentuate your facial features and are available to clients over the age of 16 with valid government issued identification only.  


An Eyebrow piercing is located on the outer edge of the natural brow ridge.

Healing time is typically around 3 to 6 months. 


A Bridge piercing is located on the narrow space between your eyes as shown in the image.
This piercing type does come with a high risk of migration due to its location and is recommended for experienced piercing clients only.

Healing time is typically 2 to 3 months.


Nostril piercings are the most common facial piercing.

The description is in the name, as a nostril piercing is simply any piercing which goes through the nostril, and can be placed on either, or both sides.

Healing time for a nostril is typically between 4 to 6 months


A septum piercing go through the skin at the bottom of the inner center of your nose, coming out of both nostrils.

If your septum is crooked this piercing is not recommended, our piercer will be able to assess your anatomy and advise if this piercing is available to you.

Healing time is typically 6 to 8 months.

Facial piercing FAQ

Can you paralyse your face from a piercing?

While there is a mountain of opinions out there on this subject, the common consensus is that an eyebrow piercing, if placed in the incorrect pace can potentially result in nerve damage.

Your eyebrow is a sensitive area that contains three major nerves and should a piercing result in damage to one of these nerves it may cause numbness / lack of sensitvity and damage to the muscles that open and close your eyes.

This is why it is important to always use the services of a properly trained, professional piercer.

Can I wear makeup while my piercing is healing?

Due to the risk of cross contamination, and having makeup become stuck under / inside your piercing it is not recommended to wear makeup directly on or near the piercing site until it is fully healed.

Once healed, we do not recommend applying makeup directly on or over the piercing as this will result in makeup becoming packed into the piercing hole and can lead to infection or migration.
You can use sterile piercing aftercare saline spray to clean piercings if you feel that you have impacted makeup into the piercing.

What to expect

Body piercings vary in healing times anywhere from 8 weeks to a several months depending on the
piercing site.

Everyone’s body is different so be patient and allow your body the time it needs to heal.
Initially there may be bleeding, or occasionally slight bruising around the piercing site.

Slight to moderate swelling can be expected.

The tissue around the piercing can become tender and slightly
red/pink during the first few weeks of healing.

A clear or light yellow discharge might occur off and on indefinitely. This discharge forms a crust which you can rinse off gently with warm water.

Do not touch or pick at your piercing and never rotate the jewelry while your piercing is healing!

What to do

Rinse your piercing twice daily (or as recommended by your piercer) in warm running water to soften and remove any crust that may have formed around your piercing.

Warm water helps keep the area clean as well as increasing circulation which is beneficial to healing.
After the warm water rinse, follow with Simple Care Spray or a Sterile Wound Wash Saline available at any pharmacy.

Spray directly on the piercing twice daily and leave your piercing

DO NOT make your own salt solution at home as this can impede healing.
We are not responsible for lost jewellery so please check your jewellery daily with freshly washed hands.
Threaded jewellery can loosen and fall off.

Playing with your jewellery not only increases your chances of complications during healing, but it may also result in the loosening of threaded ends and in turn
the loss of the piercing site so keep your hands away from your piercing as much as possible.
Ensure anything that comes into contact with your piercing such as clothing, bedding, towels etc. are
clean until your piercing is fully healed.

What not to do

Do not touch your piercing unless you are checking the threading. Do not allow anyone else to touch your piercing.

Never pick at or rotate your jewellery.

Do not use Q-Tips or cotton swabs or any other materials that may leave fibres behind.

Do not bandage your piercing. Refrain from wearing tight clothing.

Do not use antibacterial soaps, peroxide, rubbing alcohol, Bactine, antibiotic ointments (Polysporin)or other first aid products unless instructed to by your doctor.

Do not submerge your piercing in any bodies of water including bathtubs, lakes, oceans, hot tubs swimming pools, saunas etc. until it is fully healed.

Do not remove or change your jewellery for at least 8-12 weeks or as directed by your piercer.

Always check with your piercer as to suitable jewellery options for your particular piercing and anatomy and always be aware of the quality of the jewellery you are putting in your body.

Do not share jewellery. This puts you at risk for disease and/ or infection transmission.

Do not rely on the advice of friends, family or the internet. Your piercer knows what works best for their practices.

If your piercer is unavailable, or if you suspect complications or infection please contact your doctor.
